
Who Am I?


Pablito D. Canonero Jr.

As a computer engineering student at the University of Bohol, you have embarked on a journey to learn and master the art of designing and developing innovative computer systems and technologies. Through a combination of theoretical coursework and hands-on experience, you will gain in-depth knowledge and practical skills that will prepare you for a successful career in the rapidly evolving field of computer engineering. At the University of Bohol, the computer engineering program is designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the fundamental principles of computer engineering. From the basics of digital logic to the intricacies of software design, you will be equipped with the knowledge and skills to build advanced computer systems from the ground up. The program also emphasizes the importance of practical experience, with opportunities to work on projects that tackle real-world problems and challenges.

Guiding Principles

As a computer engineering student, there are several principles that I should strive to embody in order to maximize my learning and development. These include curiosity, perseverance, attention to detail, collaboration, and ethics. By embodying these principles and others like them, I can become a skilled and responsible computer engineering student who is well-equipped to make meaningful contributions to the field.

Curiosity: As a computer engineering student, it's important to maintain a sense of curiosity and wonder about the field. Ask questions, explore new ideas, and seek out opportunities to learn and grow. Cultivating a sense of intellectual curiosity will help you stay engaged and motivated, even when faced with difficult challenges.

Perseverance: Computer engineering can be a challenging field, and it's important to be resilient in the face of setbacks and failures. Develop a strong work ethic and a willingness to keep pushing forward, even when things get tough. Remember that every challenge is an opportunity to learn and grow.

Attention to detail: Computer engineering requires a high degree of precision and attention to detail. Whether you're designing hardware or writing software, small mistakes can have big consequences. Develop good habits around testing, debugging, and documentation, and always strive for accuracy and precision in your work.

Collaboration: Computer engineering is a collaborative field, and success often depends on the ability to work effectively with others. Cultivate good communication skills, learn how to give and receive feedback, and be open to different perspectives and approaches. By working well with others, you can achieve more than you ever could on your own.

Ethics: Computer engineering has the potential to have a profound impact on society, and it's important to be mindful of the ethical implications of your work. Develop a strong sense of professional ethics, and be conscious of the ways in which your work could affect others. Always prioritize the well-being of people over technological advancement or financial gain.

By embodying these principles and others like them, you can become a skilled and responsible computer engineering student who is well-equipped to make meaningful contributions to the field.

Future Plans

In the future, I hope to continue pursuing my education and career in computer engineering. I am passionate about using technology to make a positive impact in the world and am excited to see where this path takes me. I also plan on continuing to volunteer and engage in activism, as I believe in the importance of giving back to the community and advocating for social change. Additionally, I hope to travel and explore different parts of the world, experiencing different cultures and learning more about the diversity of humanity.